Sunday, September 7, 2014

Choose Life - New Year thoughts

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore choose life, that thou mayest live, thou and thy seed"

6 AM. Get up.  Bathroom.  Brush teeth. Make breakfast.  Get to work, to school. Be productive!  Accomplish something and for god's sake, do not fail. Read a book.  Make meals.  Eat.  Pay the rent.  Pay bills. Argue over who gets to choose the TV program.  Watch a movie.  Make love. Diet. Make things, with your hands. The business of living life. And all the worries that go with it... Where will the next meal come from?  Are they talking about me, over there? Where will the kids college fund come from?  Is my hair flat? Who will be the next president? How's mother feeling? Did I leave the oven on?

What is it to choose life?

When your mother calls, and you say you'll call back, and you really mean to!  But then you've got homework and these deadlines, and you had to run to the store, and then it's 10 PM and you haven't called... that's living life.  That happens.

When you call her the next day and apologize, that is to choose life.

On the railing, a spider crafts her web. Each morning she rises and begins, each day a new web that she will eat overnight.  Her life a pattern, like the endless web she creates. These webs are not the same, each intersects lines in new places, the perimeter measured differently, sometimes by millimeters.  Sometimes larger. Sometimes a dog wanders by and part of the web gets caught in his fluffy tail. No matter.   She mends her web, recreates that which falls.

To notice her toils is to choose life.

When you answer the phone at work, and you hear the quaver in your co-workers voice, you know she's on the edge of a nervous breakdown.  Overworked, no free time, the end of the year, and you know she's in a weak state, but your own inbox... so many things.  How will they ever get done?  You just don't have time for this.

Spend an hour with her, have tea and help her re-focus, choosing life.

Each day we cause small cracks in the skin of the world. We're well-intentioned but the cracks come anyway.  We choose harsh words.  We are impatient with a child who wants to share her artwork or ask for the zillionth time, why?  When we glance down and walk past someone we might recognize, because the last time we saw them it was just so awkward.  We rush through a project at work because we're just too swamped to take each project minute at a time. When we do not heed the coworker who needs reassurance and encouragement.  When we criticize and never compliment.  When we waste things that could've been used to better ends.  Small white lies.  Choosing the easy path and not the correct path.  Scowling and not smiling as we pass people on the street.  Cutting someone off in traffic.  Prioritizing our needs over any others.

These cracks trace the surface of the skin, like aged cracks on a china saucer.  They do not render the surface unusable, but worn.

This period, the days of awe, heaven and earth are called to witness.  Therefore, choose life!

To choose life is to make a conscious break from routine.
To choose life is to take time to listen to others, see where their needs are, their opinions vary, and to understand.  Not judge.
To choose life is to leave your comfort zone to help those who need help.
To choose life is to look at your own past, and love yourself no matter what mistakes you have made.
To choose life is to stop and notice what beauty fills the world around you.
To choose life is to apologize when you have hurt someone.
To choose life is to feed the hungry.
To choose life is to help the fallen stand again.
To choose life is to focus on your friendships and let others know they are loved, they are important.
To choose life is to help a homeless animal find a home.
To choose life is to know the smell of apples fallen to the grass.
To choose life is to walk the earth, work the earth, and make yourself a part of it before you are dust of the earth.
To choose life is to breathe gratitude.
To choose life is to embrace the unknown.
To choose life is to let go of worry, of fear.

As the old year falls away and this new year is upon us, may we let go of the business of life and just choose life.  Then we may live, and live, and our children thrive and love and grow.

Shanah tovah.

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